Passing Through Stars

Collection on OBJKT︎︎︎

This body of work seeks to imagine visions of travelling through space as a human body-mounted consciousness.

It’s an ongoing project consisting of abstract digital art pieces.

First theorized in 1935 by Albert Einstein and Nathan Rosen, mankind's dream of utilizing wormholes for space-time travel has exploded into culturally significant art. The stories we tell each other via movies, books, short stories and next to the campfire, excite us all. They provide sanctuary from the human body-bound existence within the constraints of time. Space is somewhat available to reimagine for us humans, but it still bows down to the inevitable frailty of the human body when put outside of the homely Earth cocoon.

◯ Nonetheless, as evolution is a quality of consciousness, it will inevitably have us transcend the barriers of the body-bound experience. These artworks are a way to further this artist's own consciousness further into a future where body-mind-spirit has a first-class ticket to playfully explore space-time and wink at other travellers along the way.

Wormhole #713

collect on OBJKT︎︎︎

'Tricky, said his brain. Hard and tricky to handle so much weight, to judge the distance and the speed…hard to make the tons of metal float down against the savage pull of gravity...'

C. Simak 'Time and Again' ▶

generative video
based on a multi-exposed 35mm film
BoryaXYZ © 2022

All rights reserved  © Borya Shapshalova 2023